Insurance: is it important?

If Your DJ doesn’t have insurance, look elsewhere!

Your DJ has No Insurance: What Could Go Wrong?

Planning your wedding involves so many decisions and details. When hiring your wedding DJ, there’s a lot more to consider than just the music. Choosing vendors and entertainment for your event means making sure that you’re picking the right people. One of the details you can’t afford to overlook is whether or not your DJ is insured. This is why it’s so important to ask ahead of time and to read contracts before you sign them.

The Risks of an Uninsured DJ

Hiring an uninsured DJ may not sound like a big deal, but it can turn into a huge problem if anything goes wrong. That’s because you’re ultimately responsible for what your guests and your vendors do at the venue on your big day. Venues typically have clauses written into the contracts that couples sign when booking which states precisely that. If an accident happens, you’re on the hook for the damages.

Any DJ worth hiring for your event should be a professional. As a part of their professional business, they need to carry liability insurance. This not only protects them, but it protects you and your wedding guests, too.

DJs set up and use a lot of large, heavy, and expensive equipment, from sound systems to lighting. Should anything go wrong, like a piece of equipment falling and injuring a guest, thousands of dollars in medical expenses and other damages could come into play. Ultimately the wedding couple could be held liable and left on the hook for those bills.

You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where your guests are suing you for damages, and then you’re forced to sue an uninsured DJ. By taking a chance, you’re putting yourself at risk. It would be a terrible way to start married life and could be financially devastating.

Don’t Just Take Their Word for it

Planning a big event like a wedding can be stressful. There are so many people to talk to and vendors to coordinate with. At some point, it can be tempting to simply take people at their word and hire them just to have it settled and have someone booked. However, you can’t cut corners or rush when signing contracts and putting down payments for services.

When hiring a wedding DJ, you may be tempted to choose one just based on their reputation or the feeling that you get when talking to them. You may trust them and think that they’re perfect for the job. However, it’s your responsibility to not only ask if they are insured but to verify it, too. You can’t simply take their word for it. Ask to see and keep a copy of their insurance for your own records.

Weddings should be memorable for all the right reasons, and you can’t let yours be an exception. Don’t take the risk of hiring an uninsured DJ as your entertainment. Verify that they are in fact insured so that you’re protected. Relax and enjoy this special event without the stress of worrying about what could go

Get In Touch

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Hours of Operation

8:00am – 5:00pm
& evenings by appointment

By appointment. Please understand that as a Maine DJ and Event Producer, weekends are typically filled with events. You can still expect that all emails, text messages and voicemails will be responded to in a timely manner.

Amazing things are just around the corner! Drop me a line and lets chat about your upcoming event.